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Home What is an Orthodontist?

What is an Orthodontist?
West Chester, OH

A woman with braces at Nelson R. Diers Orthodontics in Fairfield, OH.The American Dental Association recognizes 12 specialties within the field of dentistry. One of these specialties is orthodontics, which is what our orthodontist, Dr. Nelson R. Diers, DDS,focuses on here at Nelson R. Diers Orthodontics .

Understanding Orthodontics

You are probably at least a little bit familiar with orthodontics. Anytime you see someone in braces, they are currently seeing an orthodontist to undergo orthodontic treatment. They are wearing braces to correct their teeth that are misaligned, overcrowded, or crooked, a bite that fails to close properly, or a jaw that is mispositioned. Of course, orthodontics is about more than just braces. Orthodontists deal with all problems that have to do with teeth that are not where they are supposed to be. Braces are one of the most popular and effective tools in our toolbox, but they are far from the only one.

Do You Need to See an Orthodontist or a Dentist?

There can be confusion over whether a dentist or orthodontist can best help your smile. The truth is that you need both, and should not stop seeing your dentist while also undergoing orthodontic treatment. We actually strongly recommend you keep seeing your regular dentist, since oral hygiene is more important than ever when wearing braces.

So how do you decide when you need to see an orthodontist? Chances are you will come to see us on the recommendation of your regular dentist after they spot something out of the ordinary. Another reason to see an orthodontist is if you have a young child. The official recommendation of the American Association of Orthodontists is that all children should have an orthodontic assessment by age seven, if not earlier. By assessing your child before most of their adult teeth will have begun to erupt, we can determine if intervention is necessary. The earlier orthodontic intervention begins, the quicker and more effective it will be.

An Orthodontist Can Treat Both Kids and Adults

Anyone at any age can both get and benefit from braces. There is no doubt, though, that the best time to begin orthodontic treatment is while the jawbone and the rest of the mouth are still developing. When possible, we actually prefer to start orthodontics while a child’s adult teeth are still in the process of erupting, as this allows us to guide these new teeth into the right positions before they ever have a chance to become overcrowded and misaligned.

There is no age that orthodontics can stop being beneficial to the health and aesthetics of your smile. Just like in kids and teens, teeth that are out of alignment can look unsightly and make you more prone to periodontal disease and cavities. Unfortunately, teeth may shift for any number of reasons. While many adults need orthodontic treatment because they did not have braces when they were younger, other adults may have previously had braces but need them again because their teeth have moved.

A Perfect Smile at Any Age!

Regardless of how old you are, a great smile will not only help you feel more confident, but it will also help ensure the long-term health of all your teeth. This is especially true of professional adults who recognize the importance of looking their best. After all, your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. To chat with our orthodontist at Nelson R. Diers Orthodontics about how orthodontics may be able to help your smile, call (513) 829-4400.

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What is an Orthodontist? - Orthodontist West Chester, OH - Dr. Nelson R. Diers, DDS
Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. Call our experts at Nelson R. Diers DDS today to find out how orthodontics may be able to help your smile!
Nelson R. Diers, DDS, MSD, 1251 Nilles Rd, Suite 14, Fairfield, OH 45014-7205 - (513) 829-4400 - - 1/29/2025 - Tags: braces West Chester -